On The Neck
Talk. Bonar Hall, Dundee. Dur. 7 mins
Image: Mother, screenprint, 2011
Selected as Pecha Kucha global ‘Presentation of the Day’, 23 May 2017. See a selection of slides below.
Man Ray, Lee Miller - Neck (1929).
Life Magazine, ‘Miracle Mike’, 22 October 1945.
Torso of Eros, 1 - 2c.AD. Credit: The Met Museum, New York.
Léon Bonnant, The Martydom of St. Denis (1885). Credit: The Parthenon, Paris.
Siôn Parkinson is a Mighty Engine, sceenprint, 2011.
Laryngoscopy image of Siôn Parkinson’s vocal folds, February 2016.